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If you want to help somebody in need, please contact at:

+91 99154 36966

Raaj Krega Khalsa Welfare Society, Punjab is a registered charity organisation. The prime motive of this organisation is to help the needy and provide support to marginalized people of our society.

This society is founded by Harjot Singh. After taking the highest oath to uphold Sikhism, he has made his life’s mission to help the downtrodden and provide the infrastructure and help to better their circumstances. His calling came in the form of a story which he saw on the news of this helpless old lady with no family to support or help. After watching this heartbreaking story, he realized the need to help all these people that had been abandoned by everybody. He wanted to respect the teachings our Gurus and fulfil in his capacity.

The society offers food and monthly help to people regularly. Also, we offer to help students who want to study but are marred by financial incapability. We try to dignify the process of charity. The idea is to make people self-sufficient and create opportunities for themselves while giving them the assistance they require.

Humanity is our basic fundamental. We do not think in terms of colour, gender, race or ethnicity. Our mission is only to help people and uplift them whoever we can. We only believe in the fact that nobody should sleep hungry and everybody should be provided basic needs like food, clothes and a place to stay.

We believe in the teaching “dasvandh”. It states that you should give 10% of your income to charity to help people who are less privileged than you are. This is an act of kindness and also symbolises the brotherhood and humanity.

We urge you to help us with whatever you can and join us spreading kindness and love amongst the community. We request you to practice “dasvandh” and help some people in need.

“Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh”

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